Monday, August 27, 2018

Explanation of Biological Objects

Biology comes from the Greek language, namely bio which means life and logos which means science. Thus, biology is defined as the study of life and life. Objects from biology are all living things, starting from the level of atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs, individuals, populations, ecosystems, to biomes.At the molecular level, biology studies the various structures and characteristics of molecules that play a role in the preparation and dismantling reactions.  

These molecules are interconnected in forming cells. Cells join together to form tissue and some tissues make up organs. Organ systems combine to compose the body of living things (individuals).Every individual is interconnected to form a group of similar individuals called populations.  

A set of populations that are interconnected with one another will form communities. Communities with the abiotic environment compose ecosystems. A combination of various ecosystems will form a biome. The relationship between biomass on the surface of the earth will form the biosphere.According to the Biological Science Curriculum Study (BSCS), biology has objects in the form of kingdoms, namely:
  1. Animalia (animals), 
  2.  Plantae (plants),
  3. Protista (living creatures resembling animals or plant crystals).
Along with the development of science and technology, biological objects that were originally only divided into 3 kingdoms developed into 5 kingdoms, namely:
  1. Animalia,  
  2. Plantae,
  3. Fungi,
  4. Protista,
  5. Monera.
Even today, living things are grouped into 6 kingdoms, namely:
  1.  Animalia, 
  2. Plantae,
  3. Fungi,
  4. Protista, 
  5. Archaebacteria, 
  6. Eubacteria.


a. Unicellular is a single-celled living creature and cannot be seen directly. We can see it with a microscope. The function of life is carried out by the constituent parts of the cell itself. 
b. Multicellular is a multicellular living organism, can be seen directly without the aid of a microscope, and its body has experienced a good division of labor.c. Eukaryotic is a living creature that has a cell nucleus membrane so that the cell nucleus does not mix with the cytoplasm (cell fluid).d. Prokaryotic is a living creature that does not have a cell nucleus membrane so that the material of the cell nucleus mixes with the cytoplasm.e. Heterotrophs are living things that take organic matter from other living things and cannot form their own organic matter.f. Autotrophs are living things that can provide their own organic materials through photosynthesis. These living things are characterized by the presence of chlorophyll or the ability to decomposechemicals as energy in the formation of organic matter.Biology as part of science is a collection of concepts, principles, laws, and theories formed through a series of scientific activities. A knowledge can be referred to as knowledge if it meets the following requirements or characteristics.

A. Having the Object of StudyA science must have the object of study, the example of mathematics has the object of study in the form of numbers, chemistry has the object of study in the form of substances and their properties.

B. Have a MethodThe development of science cannot be done carelessly, but uses certain methods or methods. The method used is standard and can be done by anyone.

C. SystematicIn biology, if we are going to learn about cells, then the material studied needs to get other material support, for example about tissues, organs, organ systems, and individuals. Vice versa, so that knowledge is not contradictory. Science is systematic is that a knowledge must have a dependency and orderly relationship, there cannot be contradictory elements.

D. UniversalThe truth of the knowledge conveyed by science must apply in general.

E. ObjectiveA science must describe the situation as it is, which contains data and statements that are true (honest), free from prejudices, interests, or personal preferences.

F. Characteristic AnalysisThe study of a science can be divided into more detailed parts in order to understand the various relationships, properties, and roles of these parts.

G. Verification.A science leads to the achievement of a truth. For example, the theory of spontaneous generation, states that living things come from inanimate objects which are believed to be true, but ultimately the theory is aborted by the theory of biogenesis, stating that living things come from living things as well. Finally, this theory is believed to be true until now.