Thursday, August 26, 2010

Nautical harmful bacteria found in the united states

Beware the increasing threat of pandemic diseases that have not previously been identified previously such as bird flu virus makes experts more alert Recently, U.S. scientists find new bacterial strains potentially lethal complication of the disease even
Bartonella bacteria named rochalimae were found on a 43-year-old U.S. woman who recently traveled to Peru for three weeks Unnamed woman who had suffered fever symptoms similar to malaria or typhoid fever
Bartonella this type of bacteria closely related to microbial had caused thousands of soldiers suffering from pain during the First World War more commonly known as trench fever Disease transmission occurs through the body search This bacterium is also thought to still be related to the identified bacteria 10 years ago when the AIDS epidemic in San Francisco, USA, which causes cat scratch disease, and infected 25,000 people per year in the U.S.
Women who are infected with these bacteria have symptoms of a rash, appear small spots throughout the body, difficulty sleeping and experiencing a high fever for several weeks The bacteria are lodged in the surrounding mountains of the Andes, Peru, and spread through flies Experts suspect that the disease was found in women was first caused by bacteria bartonella

eat yogurt every day both for health

Not only a beautiful dairy and fast food, easy and nutritious what is available throughout the year, but the researchers found evidence that milk and milk can add years to your life as it actually exists in some countries where yogurt and fermented milk products (like kefir) is the principal food.
Milk is fermented milk made by adding bacterial cultures to milk, which causes the transformation of sugar and milk, and lactose, to lactic acid. This operation provides pleasant acid taste like candy and unique texture, and quality that is reflected in the original Turkish name, Yoghurmak, which means "thickened."
As a general rule, we support the low-fat dairy products instead of products made from milk, although we understand that there are people of all milk and milk products may be appropriate. For a detailed report about this, please read our report on this matter.

Health Benefits
Our food ranking system qualified yogurt as an excellent source of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B2, riboflavin and iodine. Yogurt is reflected in our analysis as a source of vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, vitamin B5, zinc, potassium, protein and molybdenum. 10 This alone would support the nutritional health food yogurt. But some of the most interesting information about the health of yogurt comes from a different context, the potential for absorption of bacteria live.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Living at home with the Pharmacy Medicinal Plants for Healthy and Beautiful

Many useful plants for healing and treatment. The ability to heal and the positive effects of some plants as medicine has long been known long before scientists discovered a variety of medicines with chemicals. You also can plant and use medicinal plants in your home as a pharmacy alive

Life Pharmacy
Understanding life pharmacies are utilizing some of the land for the planting of medicinal plants for everyday purposes. Generally known, that many traditional medicines that can be used to treat various diseases. Traditional medicines are generally more secure because it is natural and has fewer side effects than the drugs manufactured. That is why some people prefer to consume traditional medicines.

Imagine, if available in your garden of medicinal plants that can be used if one family member is ill. Of course it fun. You just pick it up at any time, even though the night. No need to spend money and guaranteed freshness because it directly picked from the plant.

Medicinal plants is no less beautiful as ornamental plants. You can also grow between ornamental plants or flowers that exist. Besides medicinal plants are generally more powerful against various plant diseases because they have to overcome a natural substance, so you do not need to provide pesticides.
So, in order to create a beautiful life pharmacies and useful there are some things to consider. For example, you need to menyerasikannya with plants and other elements in the park, so as not to damage the garden arrangement. You also need to know the benefits of each and how the use of medicinal plants accordingl

fertility in female sexual

Troubleshooting Fertility and Infertility
Problems of fertility and infertility or infertility is a sensitive enough issue for couples who have children is difficult. Even some cases lead to divorce because of problems like this. If you or your spouse did have fertility problems, do not be discouraged because in many cases it can be treated with various therapies and treatments with modern technology. Any therapy that can be married couples about fertility problems this?

Infertility or infertility 
One of the most feared is the infertility or infertility are often associated with infertility in one partner. For women, infertility or infertility caused by failure of the release of eggs or ovarian cells can not produce a mature egg cell. Thus, ovulation does not occur so the egg does not go into the oviduct causing no fertilization can occur. This condition is known as ovulation disorder. Other causes are closed or clogged fallopian tubes or oviducts. Or presence of endometriosis or cysts are often known as the uterine lining tissue grows outside the uterus.
Whereas for men, infertility is often due to lack of sperm production in the sperm sac. Even if no sperm production, but the numbers are so few that when entered into the vagina, there is no sperm that successfully fertilize an egg.


One method to overcome infertility or infertility is IVF. IVF was first successfully performed on a baby girl named Louise Joy Brown in England on July 25, 1978. The process is done by taking an egg from the ovary mother and father united with sperm in a liquid medium in glass laboratory. Then the egg is fertilized in the laboratory. After the egg is fertilized, about two and a half days later, the egg has divided into eight cells is very small. Then inserted into the uterus or womb to develop normally into a baby. Since then, various therapies and technologies developed to overcome fertility problems in both men and women.
IVF process is done by a process known as in vitro fertilization (IVF) or in vitro fertilization. The momentum for the development of IVF treatment and subsequent therapy for or assisted reproductive technology assistant reproductive technology (ART). ART includes multiple treatments for fertility problems. Including the egg cell from another woman and then fertilized to develop in the womb of another woman again. Year 1994 in Italy, a 62-year-old female who had not had given birth to a baby egg cell from another woman's egg cells are fertilized with the sperm of her husband. So are many methods that can be done to overcome fertility problems.

Various techniques or Infertility Treatment Infertility Problems

Reproductive organs WanitaAda several types of treatment for fertility problems for both men and women. Apart from test tube baby, the following treatments have also been through a series of research process and its success rate is quite satisfactory for couples who have fertility problems.
But before you use one method of treatment of fertility problems, we recommend that you create in-depth research and discussion prior to both medical experts and religious leaders. Some religious groups consider some kind of test tube baby method and artificial insemination, including violation of religious law. This is especially if the conception or development of babies in the womb is not the mother who provides the ovum or not the use of sperm from the husband alone. In other words, for some religious groups, if it involves a third party either as donors or fertilization media that are not lawful husband or wife, it was deemed to violate religious law. Because it is a problem choosing this treatment is a personal decision each couple and need to be discussed in depth.
Before deciding to select the type of treatment techniques for infertility or infertility problems, we suggest you inquire more deeply to medical experts who deal with your problem. Ask any losses and gains of each technique for both you and spouse. And ask the various risks that can happen to you and your partner. Several types of treatment techniques for infertility or infertility problems which have relatively high success rate among them is:
* Artificial Insemination
Artificial insemination or artificial insemination (often abbreviated as AI) is conducted by inserting semen containing sperm from the male into the female reproductive organs without going through sexual intercourse or not naturally. Semen containing sperm taken with certain equipment from a husband and then injected into the womb of the wife that resulted in conception and pregnancy. Usually the doctor will recommend the artificial insemination as a first step before applying other types of therapy or treatment.
* GIFT (gamete Intrafallopian Transfer)
      GIFT stands for gamete which Intrafallopian Transfer is a technique that was introduced since 1984. The goal was to create a pregnancy. The process is done by taking an egg from the ovary or ovaries and a woman is reunited with male sperm cells that have been cleaned. By using a tool called laparoscope, egg and sperm cells that have been brought together is inserted into the fallopian tubes or the female fallopian tube through a small incision in the abdomen through laparoscopic surgery. It is expected that direct fertilization occurs and pregnancy.

* IVF (In Vitro fertilization)
      IVF or In Vitro fertilization, also known as IVF procedures. First female egg cells and sperm cells fertilized in fertilization media outside a woman's body. Then after fertilization occurs, the result is already in the form of the embryo is inserted into the uterus through the cervix. 

* ZIFT (Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer)
      Intrafallopian Transfer or ZIFT Zygote is the cell transfer technique zygote or fertilized egg. This process is done by collecting eggs from a woman's ovaries and fertilized outside her body. Then, after the fertilized egg cells, inserted back into the fallopian tubes fallopian tubes or surgically in the abdomen with laparoscopic surgery. This technique is a combination of techniques of IVF and GIFT.
* ICSI (intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection)
      ICSI or intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection done by inserting a sperm cell directly into an egg cell. With this technique, the sperm cells are less active, whether or not cooked can be used to fertilize the egg.
So you do not need to worry if your partner is experiencing infertility or infertility problems, because everything can be solved by various modern technologies available today.